Sales Offer 2022-2023
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Rerum gestarum libri XVIII, à decimoquarto ad trigesimum primum.
nam XIII priores desiderantur. Quanto vero castigatior hic scriptor nunc prodeat, ex Hieronymi Frobenij epistola, quam hac de causa addidimus, cognosces. With woodcut printer's device on title, capital spaces with guide letters. Printed in Italics. 513 pp. Small 8vo. 18th-century calf, spine with red label gilt. From the collection of Hendrik D. L. Vervliet.
Paris, Robert Estienne, 1544.
CHF 1100.-
The Roman history by Ammianus Marcellinus (c. 325/330-after 391), published by the French scholar and printer Robert Estienne(1503-1544), who is known for the elegance and accuracy of his books. Originally composed of 31 books, it comprises only 18 books (the first 13 having been lost) and covers the period from 353 to 378 (the battle of Adrianople). It is considered valuable for being a clear, comprehensive and impartial account of the events. Gibbons judged the author as "an accurate and faithful guide, who composed the history of his own times without indulging the prejudices and passions which usually affect the mind of a contemporary". In Ammianus' description of the Empire, especially the economic problems, an explanation for the sack of Rome only twenty years after his death becomes apparent. The present edition has a preface by Hieronymus Froben, dated Basel 1533 and contains the 31st book which was not included in Froben's edition. - Copious
marginalia and underlinings in a neat contemporary hand. Index aurel. 104.839; Adams A-972; Ebert I, 526; Renouard (Estienne) 61, 17. Not in STC (French).

Das neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heylands Jesu Christi. Recht grundlich, nach der Griechischen Haubt=Sprach verteutscht, … Von neuem mit allem Fleiss übersehen. With engr. Frontispiece and 10 engr. plates. (And:) Die CL. Psalmen Davids, Durch A (mbrosius) Lobwasser in Teutsche Reimen gebracht. Zu vier Stimmen ausgesetzt…. With music. Engr. Frontispiece. (And: ) Geistreiche Fäst- und Kirchen= Gesänge. With music. Engr. Frontispiece and 2 engravings. (And:) Die kleine Bibel: Oder: Der Psalter Davids. Durch … Rudolff Walthern Grundlich und eigentlich Aus der Hebräischen Sprache verteutscht, und von neuem mit allem Fleiss übersehen. With engr. Frontispiece. 3 works in 1 vol. 2 cols. 386 pp.; 256 pp.; 88 pp. 8 vo (c. 165 x 95 x 25 mm). 18th century Zurich Vermeil binding (fine chased goldplated silver) over wooden boards covered with black velvet, edges gilt. Exlibris.
Zurich, Joh(ann) Heinrich Bürckli, 1738.
CHF 9200.-
Attractive New Testament in the Zurich version printed for domestic use, preciously and splendidly bound in a much sought-after Zurich Vermeil binding (fine chased goldplated silver over wooden boards). This N.T. is a typical example out of one of the roughly thirty editions printed in Zurich during the 18th century. It is remarkable that Ambrosius Lobwasser (1515-1584) as a Lutheran, thereby paved the way for Calvinist liturgical songs in German speaking countries (cf. MGG VIII, 1075) by using for his metrical psalms the Geneva book of Psalms prepared by Marot and Beza between 1532 and 1560. His object was to popularize in Germany the melodies of the French Psalter, of sojourn in Berry; and thus he adhered to the texts which served as channels for these melodies, , in order that the meter and versification might accord with the French model. The book is housed in an attractive, contemporary Zurich binding. Zurich was the most important place of manufacture for Vermeil bindings, and shows the design that was common there at this time. Forming a wide frame on both covers and the back, it is composed of leafy scroll- and lattice-work, with flower and ornamental depictions. In the center of both covers is a small pelican engraved (as a symbold for Jesus Christ, or as a sign of mercy or possibly an owner sign). This binding is uncommon in that the silver cagework extends round the edges of the covers.- The work shows considerable craftsmanship and is in pristine and fine condition.

(Etudes prises dans le bas Peuple où les. Cris de Paris premiere (-Cinqième) Suitte (sic). 5 issues in 1 vol.) With 60 numbered engravings after drawings by Calys after Bouchardon, including 5 pictorial titles (the last suit unnumbered). Large 4to (343 x
260 mm). Contemporary boards, with gold-lettered title on spine.
(Paris), Fessard, (1736-1746).
CHF 18000.-
First edition of these beautiful large engravings of Paris' barkers. A scarce set of the "Cries of Paris" after the original designs by Edme Bouchardon, the eminent sculptor for King Louis XV of France and Pope Clement XII. Illustrating the habits and costumes of various professions of the workingclass people, this series gives a vivid picture of street life in Paris in the eighteenth century: "Chaudronier Auvergnat, Décroteuer, L'orgue de Barbarie, ou plustost d'Allemange, Porteur d'Eua, Savoyarde, la Lanterne Magigue, Vieux Maçon, Tonnellier, Espéce de Parapluye, Marchand d'Images, Crieuse de vieux Chapeaux, Caffé Caffé", etc, and also various tradesmen and women. The captions are in French. Colas 401; Lipperheide Fd 4; Cohen/de Ricci 179; Cicognara 1601 (only the first 3 series); Massin, Les Cris de la Ville (1978).

STATUTI DELLA SACRA Religione Geroso-limitana
le ordinazioni dell' ultimo Capito Generale, che sono le sole, che sussistone; il nouvo Cerimoniale prescritto dalla Santità di N. Sig. Papa Urbano VIII. sopra l'Elezione de' Gran Maestri; il modo , o sia instruzione Di far i Processi de' Miglioramenti delle Commende...e come deuono farsene li Cabrei; l'ordine, che si tiene nel dar l'Arbito, a chi professa nella Religione; E per ultimo i privilegi concessi da'Sommi Pontefici alla Religione, e suoi Dependenti. 6 parts in 1 vol. With woodcut illustrations of the Cross and large initials. (8) pp. incl. engraved allegorical title, dated 1718, 16, 308 pp.; engr. title (repeated), 210 pp.; printed title with coat of arms of Pope Urbanus VIII in woodcut, 12 pp.; 32 pp. incl. printed title with same coat of arms; 116 pp. incl. St. John's cross on title; (4) pp. incl. engr. title (repeated), 120
pp. Folio (310 x 210 mm). Contemporay calf, with cross of the Order of St. John of Malta in gold and silver in center inlaid on both covers, gilt spine with raised bands, richly tooled in compartments, red sprinkled edges (back slightly damaged).
(Borgo Nova, Antonio Scionico, 1719).
CHF 7500.-
First edition of this new revision of the statutes of the Order of St. John of Malta, when Fra Raimondo de Perellos from Aragon was the 64th Grand Master of the Order (1697 to 1720). At the expense of Bailli Fr. Giovanni Battista Spinola the work was printed at the Spinola palace in Bogo Nova. After commanding the galleys G.B. Spinola became admiral of the Fleet, and later was appointed ambassador of the order. In 1733 the palace in Rocchette/Roccaforte near Genova was passed to
him. This splendid work contains an important collection of texts all dated 1718: 1-2). Statuti della Sac. Religione di S. Gio Gerosolimitano. 3). Ordinationi del Capitolo Generale celebrato nell'anno MDDDCXXXI de fu e Rev. Gran Maestro Fra Antonio de Paola con un indice volgare. 4). S.D.N.D. Urbani Divina Provientia Papae VIII Caeremoniale super electione Magni Magistri Hospitalis S. Ioannis Hierosolymitani. 5). Privilegi della sacra religione di San Giovanni
Gerosolimitano con un Indice volgare. 6). Compendio alfabetico de'Statuti della sacra religione Gerosolimitana per facilia' alla ricognitione de medemi del fu Venerando Gran Prior di Lombardia Garavita.

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